Wednesday, September 5, 2012


For a long time my laptop has been acting weird. The whole thing was lagging, online games would be slow, and whenever I started it up lines would appear and then slowly go away. Worst of all the Wifi was acting up, it was only on my computer though, never my dads or sisters. Whenever I moved my laptop it would loose internet, sometimes I would have to restart my computer. Even putting it on my LAP messed it up, I think my Laptop is having an identity crisis! This carried on for a while until restarting no longer worked, I had to get it fixed.

Now, I don't like getting my computer fixed mostly out of bad experiences. My dad dropped my first laptop and the clip, tiny little thing, to my battery broke off. It wasn't to much of a big deal, I could have always taped the battery on. However without that clip the battery would fall of and all of my work would be deleted. I had to take it in eventually.

That weekend I took it in to Best Buy to get it fixed. They said they'll take care of it, get a new clip. Turns out they took it to their warehouse for holding. They had it for a week and a half. A week and a half! They got back to us and said that all of my info was gone, because of some reason or another, and that my computer was SO outdated (a year) that they didn't make that clip any more! So they told me to get a new computer, pay 50 something dollars extra for it, and have a nice day.

You can understand why I'm hesitant now can't you. So the other day my dad and I stopped by Best Buy and talked to a guy from the Geek Squad. He said having (accidentally) two anti-virus programs was the lagging, the lines were normal, and to fix the WiFi was to get an EXTERNAL adapter. It worked. It really worked. Of course we had to pay for the adapter ($50) but it was worth it.

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