Monday, June 30, 2014

Lord help me...

This has got to be the most socially unacceptable fandom I have ever been in, and thats saying something...

I mean, I've been into Teamfortress 2 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Things that are usually fandoms reserved for guys. But this...this takes the cake.


I- I just can't help it! I see something... and I just like it! I love to share what I like with everyone I know cause its something I like and I want them to know about/like it too, but how am I supposed to do that when I'm too embarrassed to even admit to myself that I like it!

My new years resolution I believe will distract myself from needing to talk about it while also giving me an excuse to talk about it.

I am going to watch EVERYTHING Transformers.

Now that includes;
- Movies
- Generation 1
- Beast Wars
- Animated
- Prime
- Rescue Bots
- And everything inbetween...
No Kiss Players... Never Kiss Players...

This will prevent my embarrassment with talking about it because now instead of sharing a fandom, I'm just sharing a "silly" goal.

And, if thats not enough, I'll write about in in my notebook. But of course since I don't want people to know just how bad I've got it, I'm writing in code. It's working pretty well so far.

Speaking about "so far"... This is my current status on my goal:

2/4 movies
Halfway done with season 1 of G1
Watched all of Prime
Almost done with Animated
Caught up with Rescue Bots

Not bad... But nowhere near done. It's already the halfway point of the year and I haven't even gotten to the Unicron trilogy which I hear is LONG.

But enough of that! I wanted to share my opinion of characters!

My favorites happen to be mostly Decepticons, I don't know why I always like the bad guys! They always die in the end... :( *coughAkatsukicough*

I have a real weakness for Primeverse Soundwave though, and all his Cassettes. Rumble and Frenzy especially. I just think Soundwaves a total badass.


Animated Blitzwing is probably my top five because we're so alike. Not giant alien three faced robot alike, but in the fact that I'm bipolar. His mania and aggression complemented by his cold intelligence is something I can relate to, because I've been there before. We both can say out loud that we're crazy with no small amount of self deprecating humor, but at the same time hate it when others point it out. Being so out of control that you feel you don't have a set personality. It's welcoming to see such a likable character that I can relate to.

Rescue Bots Heatwave is another favorite. His natural leadership skills, volatile, and snarky attitude remind me of a weird OP-Sunny-Ratchet type thing. Plus his hat is cute...

And last but not least, Bayverse Ratchet. I have no idea what they were going for with the chartreuse and neon pink, but at least it kinda worked... Ratchet is my spirit animal...

So yeah, in conclusion; I don't learn from my lessons, I'm crazier than I thought I was, and giant alien robots are sexy.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Original Yu-Gi-Oh

Before Duel Monsters, there was a Manga series about Egypt and games. This Manga was called Yu-Gi-Oh and contained bombs, vodka, torture, and teenage prostitution. They then made this Manga into an Anime that fans like to call 'Season 0'. This is because it wasn't Duel Monsters (what was aired in the US) but another Anime series altogether. They were going to dub it into English, and from what I remember already started, but Good Ol' 'Merica took one look at it's content and shut it down. So I decided that I would share with you the Manga in English, and 'Season 0' with subtitles:

^  You should find all the chapters there  ^

Season 0:
^  This guy has all the subbed episodes, type  ^
    into the search box "season 0" and it should
    pop up! If you're having trouble doing so use
    these links below:

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Episode 10:
Episode 11:
Episode 12:
Episode 13:
Episode 14:
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
Episode 17:
Episode 18:
Episode 19:
Episode 20:
Episode 21:
Episode 22:
Episode 23:
Episode 24:
Episode 25:
Episode 26:
Episode 27:

Saturday, July 13, 2013

TMNT 2012 vs. 2003 vs. 1980 vs. Mirage etc...

So, I haven't been here in awhile and I'm sorry about that. However my hiatus has given me some time to work up some rants. Which I hope is a good thing for someone other than me...

Anyway, there's this new TV show on Nickelodeon called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... PSYCHE! It is and it's not... Now being 16 years old and a lover of animation, I watched my fair share of TV when I was younger and happen to vaguely remember 4-5 giant angsty frog-men fight aliens and eat Italian food. And it was awesome. Eleven some odd years later and one anime phase passed I decide to try it again so onward to youtube! I arrive at said website and type in "Teenage mutant ninja turtles episode one" and instead of the two dimensional muscled man-turtles I see this:

Now you have to understand that I'm not a huge fan of CGI, in fact I hate the that we're seeing less and less of good ol' hand drawn cartoons and movies. The good one's like Young Justice got canceled and the really gross and annoying ones like Secret Mountain Fort Awesome flourish! :P Blegh.

So in the end I thought, "It couldn't hurt to take a look? I mean after all it IS TMNT!" So I watched the first episode... and was hooked. It was well, awesome! As much as I hate CGI and as much as I liked the 2003 series, this was pretty damn good! From the fantastically emotional voice acting to the epic yet awkward fighting scenes I thought they did an amazing comeback! Then I read the reviews...

I was shocked! Sure there were some parts that I agreed with, but the makers really tried their best! It must have been a huge struggle to keep ALL the fans happy and yet put in some original, fresh ideas. First they had to cater to those who grew up with the Mirage comics, the original stuff. Serious hard core ninja fights, no pupils, the works. Then there was the 1980 fans who grew up loving the pizza, cheesy one liners, saving the day and humorous villains. Then comes along the 2003 series, the one I grew up with. This one is kinda a mix of the first two, no pupils but pizza, hardcore ninja fights but cheesy one liners. I think this one was the most loved out of all of them. Then it ended with the epic Turtles Forever. The one that tied up all loose ends, the one that everyone felt like it truly wrapped everything up with a pretty red, blue, orange and purple ribbon.

How could they ever take that ending and make something new? How could they EVER continue it? Well they did! And people were bias. They really tried their hardest! They kept almost everything, but made it unique! They really emphasized the fact that they were infact only fifteen years old. Making their personalities a little more exaggerated, a little more different. They made them different shapes with unique characteristics looking less like quadruplets and more like the individuals they really are.

Mikey with freckles, Raph has a scar on his shell, Donnie with a gap tooth etc... April is an actual ginger and part of the main plot! Sure they look and act a little different but if you're a true fan, you'd try you best to support the fandom and accept that things have changed! For better or for worse. And the great thing is if you really truly hate it, you don't have to watch it. Its that simple. Turn off the TV, play mancala, plant a pumpkin, get your fingers stuck in a chinese puzzle! If it offends you that much don't get any more riled up than you are already, there's plenty of unique and wonderful fandoms that I'm sure you would enjoy!

"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger."

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Long time no see...

Well this is embarrassing... Seven months huh? Oh well, I warned you guys... Or at least anyone who reads this thing. Anyway, I've had a change in medication and am feeling productive lately so lets see how this goes shall we? :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ideas: Homestuck Naruto X-Over

Edit: [[Started this a while ago, no longer in the Naruto fandom and am a part-time Homestucker. Thought I'd finish this anyway.]]

My two favorite fandoms, Naruto and Homestuck, have many differences and many similarities. One day when eating dinner, I took out my notebook and wrote down one of the things they could crossover on. Blood colors. If I could match up the Naruto characters and which blood colors they could have based on social status, personality's, timelines and histories. I put reasons for my choices below as well. This is what I came up with:

Naruto: Candy 
The Candy blood is mutant, unnatural and a curse. If others knew they would be cast out and killed. They also make great leaders.
Sasuke: Indigo
Like a ticking bomb, it's only a matter of time before an Indigo snaps. Although considered one of the highest on the hemospectrum, they are known to have familial issues and problems with addiction.
Sakura: Jade 
Intelligent, precise and almost exclusively females. Although famous for their hidden temper, Jade bloods are natural referees when it comes to disputes and often develop important roles in society.

Hinata: Fuchsia
The Fuchsia have the purest blood and are born to be Royal. Only when one's time is up will the next heiress rise to power, although they have been known to develop a pity towards civilians and become kind and withdrawn.
Kiba: Dirt 
Dirt bloods share such an intense love for animals some say they can even communicate with them. They tend to have eretic self esteem issues, and holding themselves in high regard.
Shino: Mustard 
Famous for their love of insects, these anti-social geniuses love being alone. Due to issues with their eyes they have a habit of covering them with shades.

Shikamaru: Teal 
Despite believing highly in justice, when they feel the need Teal's love dishing out revenge. Intelligent and quirky, they almost always win verbal debates.
Choji: Blue
Relying on their strength to survive Blue bloods can have quite the temper on them. Luckily they can be quickly pacified by close friends.                 Ino: Cerulean 
Cerulean bloods are high in society and know it. Lucky in many aspects of life, a young and immature blue blood can quickly become competitive and manipulative, especially when it comes to wooing another.

Neji: Violet 
With a tendency to hold grudges, the Violet bloods are considered second best to the Fuchsia heiress'. Most often growing up with said royalty, they can become quite volatile.
Tenten: Rust
The lowest of the low, often being overlooked in favor of Royals, they however have a knack for artifacts weapon or otherwise.
Rock Lee: Olive 
Bright, loyal and hopeless romantics. All green bloods are known for their hand-to-hand fighting and close combat. Although their friendliness can sometimes become... Overwhelming.

Rust Dirt Mustard Candy Olive Jade Teal Cerulean Blue Indigo Violet Fuchsia

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Coccinelle Rouge, Chat Noir! Miraculous!

The shy high-school student, Marinette Cheng has inherited a pair of ladybug shaped earrings that grants her the power of luck! Felix however found black cat ring that cursed him with the opposite. Together they fight crime and save Paris as Ladybug and Chat Noir! However Marinette has a crush on Felix, but Chat Noir has a crush on Ladybug! Will this be a problem when fighting The Mime and Pigeon Man? What about the Mysterious Monarch?

Miraculous Ladybug <----- Watch nao!

This is just... Awesome! I can't get enough of it! I have no idea what the song is called, I can only hope that it's the eventual theme song cause' I love it! This is an upcoming anime collaboration between French Zagtoon and Method Animation studios and Japan's Toei Animation. Just from the trailer and some screen pic's the to-be-show already has a pretty solid fanbase:


Damn... The trailer has only been out a couple months and it already has fanfiction! O_O' However that's not all, I think that the company's are being rather sneaky about this. They have information all around don't get me wrong, but there's very little written.

Not very informational huh? Well it comes out in 2013, so that's one thing on my calendar!